Syncro SafariTM, Sequoias ??
Sequois National Park has drastically changed their reservations policies. This trip may never happen unless the park returns to allowing reservations well in advance of arrival date. (Sad face here.)
Syncro SafariTM, Sequoias Overview
A Sequoias Syncro Safari adventure would be in and around Sequoia and King's Canyon National Parks in the Sierra Nevada mountains of central California. Our "Camp Syncro" base camp will be at Crystal Springs campground which is accessible to many attractions in the park as well as centrally located to our three 4-wheeling routes. The adventure would include, 4-wheeling, and opportunities to see the park's popular attractions, including really big trees, Crystal Cave, Moro Rock (not the one at Moro Bay), history, hiking, horseback riding, waterfalls, and more! As is the norm for a Syncro Safari adventure, this will be a semi-intimate event limited to 10 Syncros, allowing everyone to get to know the others in the group. By the end of the week, people you just met will start to feel like family.
Quick Overview:
Where: In and around Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks, California
When: Don't know if this will ever be possible. :-(
Who: This adventure is open to only Syncros and have a 10 Syncro limit
What: A week of 4-wheeling, camping, sight-seeing, and recreation with fellow Syncronauts
Why: Sequoias are amazing! We'll get an opportunity to see the largest tree in the world!
4x4 Trips: Trips will be family-friendly 4-wheeling and NOT expected to bash your Syncro. We’ll expect to do 4-wheeling trips three times during the week, on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. This year's 4-wheeling level will be on the "mild" side, but part of one trail could be pretty challenging.
Camp Syncro : We have reservations for group camping at Crystal Springs campground, which will be our "Camp Syncro" base for six nights. This spot is central to the park's attractions and to our planned 4x4 trips.
Itinerary: Subject to weather and road conditions
Sunday, Day 1 – Arrive, make camp, make friends at Camp Syncro
Monday, Day 2 - First of three 4-wheeling trips
Tuesday, Day 3 – Free recreation day. Probably see some of the park's attractions via paved roads and - TACO NIGHT!
Wednesday, Day 4 – Second of three 4-wheeling trips
Thursday, Day 5 – Free recreation day. Probably see some of the park's attractions via paved roads.
Friday, Day 6 – Third of three 4-wheeling trips
Saturday, Day 7 – Break camp, say our goodbyes, and head home... or somewhere...
More info: We are planning a Taco Night group meal, digital photo scavenger hunts, raffle prizes, and more. We'll include paved road visits to some of the park's largest trees, including the LARGEST TREE in the WORLD with other activities like hiking and horseback riding.
Costs: The cost for Syncro Safari is for camping and miscellaneous expenses associated with the event. The cost is not yet determined but was $125/Syncro for the cancelled 2020 plan. Additionally, the National Park charges 7-day admission at the entrance ($35), or you may purchase one of several types of National Park passes. Pass information here:
Really, how big is a sequoia tree? Is it really giant?
Where's this Sequoias place?